Welcome to the Parish Master Blog. This is where all news, announcements, and recordings can be found
Sermon Aug 13: So, how do YOU walk on water?
The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth, Rector of St. Matthew’s, offers Jesus as the Way — as one who teaches us to how to walk through this world, as unstable and frightening as it is, in a way full of hope and strong with love.
At Home in the House of God: A Meditation for the Altar Guild
The clergy of St. Matthew's live in debt to the altar guild. Each week, the altar guild quietly, carefully, efficiently prepares the sanctuary for worship. Afterwards, they…
COME ONE COME ALL! EVERYONE IS WELCOME for an easy meal with the kiddos and friends from anywhere. Seriously. Invite your stressed out neighbor for an easy meal. Tuesday, August 15 from 5-7 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Lector Training August 13, 9am
All current lectors and those interested in this ministry of proclaiming God’s Word on Sunday are invited to Lector training this Sunday, August 13th directly following the 8am service, in the parish church.
Transfiguration Sermon
Dr. Jason Wright, Director of Music at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, preaches on the Feast of the Transfiguration. Beholding your glory we are strengthened to bear our cross.
Lay Eucharistic Minister Training Aug 6, 9am
Interested in serving as a Lay Eucharistic Minister for Sunday worship or other services? Then join us for a training session.
Vacation Justice School
St. Matthew’s will be hosting the first of three Justice United gatherings- to build community and go deeper into the whys and hows of organizing for change. All are welcome!
Sermon July 30, 2023
Nothing can separate us from the love of God, but everything distracts us. The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth preaches at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Hillsborough NC on honoring and caring for God’s presence in our lives.
Beef Stew Collection OCIM
As of July 27, 20 more cans of beef stew are needed to fulfill our obligation for July, 2023 to OCIM.
Sermon July 23, 2023
Hope Anderson preaches on the wheats and the weed in Matthew 13, taking us on a deep exploration of God’s allowance of the life-threatening with the life-giving.
FESTing in Summer
It’s not too early to begin crafting and canning for our annual holiday FEST bazaar.
Women’s Singing Circle: This Sunday, July 30
Whether you’re a member of St. Matthew’s or not, join us on the last Sunday of the month for a service of Compline, and mostly, a cappella singing.
New Sabbath Group
Read here to learn about a new Sabbath Group starting in the fall at the Leiss’ farm in Hurdle Mills.
New Children’s Playset
Sunday July 23rd saw the initiation of the new children’s playset behind the Hayden Building…
In Raiment White and Glistening: The Feast of the Transfiguration August 6.
Sunday August 6th we will celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration with special music and elevated liturgy. What is special about this feast?
Rectory Repairs Steam Ahead!
As Jane and I came back from vacation, we were delighted to see the work on the Rectory foundation proceeding so well. The crew had already backfilled the ditches that surrounded the rectory (Sebastian thought they were building a moat) and had begun working on the back patio
Fall Formation Preview: One Bread, One Body
The rector, the Rev. Robert Fruehwirth, previews the fall’s coming emphasis on the Eucharist, and how it ties into our work also with our parish history.