In Raiment White and Glistening: The Feast of the Transfiguration August 6.

Sunday August 6th we will celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration with special music and elevated liturgy.


What is so special about this feast?

It recalls the event when Jesus went up a mountain and was transfigured, he and his clothes became dazzling white. Moses (the Law) and Elijah (the Prophets) appear in some form and talk about his destiny to suffer and die in Jerusalem. Peter, James, and John are terrified! The idea is that of Jesus’ divinity shining through his humanity at the very moment when he accepts his destiny to die an ignominious death in Jerusalem. This is Jesus theophany, God seen through him: when he accepts the Father’s will. After this mountaintop experience, Jesus begins the long journey towards Jerusalem.

Applied to us, the message is simple: we become transparent to God when we surrender to God’s will, when we release ourselves to the God’s care. Or, another message, so familiar to Julian of Norwich: our devotion causes us to gaze on the humanity of Jesus until we see his divinity break through.

Come celebrate with us on August 6th. 8am and 10am, Livestream on Zoom at 10am.

The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth, Rector


New Children’s Playset


Rectory Repairs Steam Ahead!