Online giving is the most direct way to support St. Matthew’s.

Your contribution directly supports our day to day ministry. We are stewards of an amazingly beautiful campus, a rich and varied community, and of a life-changing Christian faith, the Gospel and Sacraments, offered here for 200 years in the Episcopal and Anglican tradition.

Financial gifts made online may support the ongoing operations of the church, memorials, or capital fund campaigns.

Note: The button above takes you to a secure electronic payment system designed for faith-based organizations, schools, and other non-profits.

2024 Pledge for the Parish Operating Budget

To submit your pledge for 2024 online, click here.

To download a printable pledge form, click here.

To watch the Sunday Forum where the Rector explores the spirituality of stewards, click here

To arrange for direct debit from your bank accounts, click here and select “General Fund”

For the pledge booklet, click image above

Financial Giving Programs

Current Pledge Campaigns

2023 Annual Pledge Campaign for 2024 Operating Budget.

To submit your pledge for 2024 online, click here.

To download a printable pledge form, click here.

2022-2024 Rectory Capital Campaign. Submit a pledge online.

  • St. Matthew’s mounts an annual campaign in the fall of the year to ask parishioners for funds to support the following year’s operational budget. The budget is composed of two parts; core expenses (people, program, and property expenses required to “keep the lights on”) and and discretionary expenses (all of the extras, like outreach and increased program support).

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  • Legacy Giving is support that ensures St. Matthew’s continuation into the future. These non-operational gifts provide the foundation for future generations to worship and celebrate God at St. Matthew’s.

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  • While pledges have traditionally been paid by check or cash, paying your pledge by transferring non-cash assets such as publicly traded stocks or bonds can be attractive because of the favorable income tax treatment they may bring.

    Read more in our Google Doc FAQ.

Specific Gifting

Designated Gifts

Designated gifts are non-budgeted funds given for a specific purpose. At St. Matthew’s, gifts may be designated for such things as future building and development (3rd Century), altar flowers, memorials, Faith and Arts, the churchyard, the choir or music program, FeST, the youth program, stained glass windows maintenance, and other areas.

Rector’s Discretionary Fund

On the first Sunday of each month, those funds collected in the offering plates which are not designated as pledged funds are added to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. The Rector and Associate Rector draw from these funds to respond to specific requests for assistance from parishioners and others in the community.