Worship & Music
Worship is the heart of Christian life. We offer our lives to God and God gives us Godself in return. We gather to receive God’s self-revelation and to celebrate the mystery of love and compassion that is the heart of this world. St. Matthew’s offers an excellent music program to elevate our worship, strong community fellowship, excellent preaching and teaching, and a beautiful historic sanctuary.
Weekly Eucharists
Sundays | 8 am and 10:30 am
Wednesdays | 12 noon
Worship & Spirituality
Worship is the center and ground of our life. We give our lives to God in all their complexity and receive God’s life back. Holy Eucharist is the basis of our worshipping life, following the rituals of the Book of Common Prayer and drawing from the full richness of the Western Christian tradition.
Music enhances our worship and nourishes our spiritual lives. We invite you to experience the many musical opportunities offered here at St. Matthew’s. From listening to choir anthems, chanting Psalms, singing from hymnals, or tapping our feet at Jazz Vespers, music is a vehicle that brings us into a closer relationship with the Divine.
Faith and Arts
Faith and Arts offers a wide variety of arts events at St. Matthews, from classical music performances to poetry readings and everything in between: folk music concerts, art exhibitions, movie screens, live theatrical performance and so much more. Roughly 8-10 offerings per year
Weekly Worship Schedule
Sundays (Sept-May)
8:00 am: Worship: Holy Eucharist (Rite I). Nursery available.
Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall at the conclusion of the service
9:15 am: Education Hour for Adults and Children (find children’s offerings here).
10:30 am: Worship: Holy Eucharist (Rite II, with music) Live-streamed via our Worship Zoom Channel. Nursery available.
Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall at the conclusion of the service
8:30 pm: Compline on Worship Zoom
7:30 am: Morning Silence on Worship Zoom
8:30 pm: Compline on Worship Zoom
8:00 am: Morning Prayer on Worship Zoom
12:00 pm (noon): In-Person Eucharist at church
6:30 pm: Parish Choir rehearsal at church (Learn more)
8:30 pm: Compline on Worship Zoom
8:30 pm: Compline on Worship Zoom
8:00 am: Morning Prayer on Worship Zoom
8:30 pm: Compline on Worship Zoom
Sunday in Summertime
8:00 am: Worship: Holy Eucharist (Rite I). Nursery Available.
9:00 am Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall at the conclusion of the service
10:00 am Worship: Holy Eucharist (Rite II, with music) Live-streamed via our Worship Zoom Channel. Nursery Available.
11:00 am Lemonade in the Shade
Special Worship Events at Saint Matthew’s
Any person prepared to take the vows of baptism may be baptized, as may any young child or infant with parents and sponsors prepared to make vows of faith and commitment to Christian nurture on behalf of the child.
Holy Matrimony is a sacramental rite, a means of grace by which God blesses those who come before God in love to join in a sacred covenant. Weddings are first and foremost worship within the Christian community. As in all worship, we strive to maintain simple dignity in the conduct of our liturgies.
Funerals & Memorial Services
When death occurs, the rector should be called immediately. The rector will confer with the family and make arrangements for the funeral.