
We further Christian education through our many programs for adults, youth, and children. We carry forth our learning into the world through our actions and relationships with others.

The education hour on Sunday mornings is offered throughout the program year, September-May from 9:15 am until 10:15 am. Generally, offerings are different for different age groups. Occasionally, St. Matthew’s offers an intergenerational family program (eg. palm weaving on Palm Sunday) or event during the education hour.  

Formation Offerings

Knowing, Sharing, and Making History: The St. Matthew’s Bicentennial Celebrations 2024-2026

In 2024, St. Matthew’s begins its three year celebration of the parish’s history from colonial times to the present, focusing in 2024 on the bicentennial of the parish’s organization by lay people, in 2025 on the bicentennial of it recognition by the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, and in 2026 on the bicentennial of the consecration of the church building.

Weekly Education Opportunities

  • Education for Ministry (EfM)

    6:30 p.m. Monday evenings (September-June); The Rev. Hugh Tilson, Mentor. A four-year course of study and reflection for lay people, to deepen their engagement with core theological subjects and to strengthen their sense of ministry in daily life. Registration required.

  • Racial Justice and Reconciliation Book Discussions

    The Racial Justice and Reconciliation Committee (RJR) hosts a series of book discussions during the program year focusing on African American authors. Book discussions have been held on: “Kindred” by Octavia Butler, “Proud Shoes” by Pauli Murray, and “The Fire Next Time” by James Baldwin.

  • Adult Newcomers Classes

    Generally held in the fall, Adult Inquirers Class meets for a number of Sundays to discuss a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, the history and structure of the Episcopal Church, and the Book of Common Prayer. Newcomers are especially invited, and anyone interested in the topics is welcome. Participants have the opportunity to be confirmed or received, or to renew their baptismal vows, at the Bishop’s Visitation usually in November. Click here for more information.

  • Bible Study Intensive

    Registration required.

Sunday Formation & Childcare Offerings

  • Sunday Forum

    The Sunday Forum is offered for adults and meets in the Fellowship Hall on the lower floor of the Hayden Building from 9:15 to 10:15 am. Topics for discussion range from ancient history to current events. Click here for Sunday Forum recordings.

  • Village Church

    One Sunday a month, we pause our other programs to have Village Church where all ages and generations meet for a worship service centered around various liturgical themes. We meet from 9:15 to 10:15 am in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Youth Formation

    Youth group meets weekly from 5-7pm on Sunday evenings. Our lessons are centered around the care of our church, community, and world. Together we build a strong understanding of community and faith.

  • Children's Formation

    We offer Godly Play and Growing in Christ classes for children based on their age. Sunday school classes are held in the Education Building from 9:15-10:15am.

    Other activities for children and families are offered throughout the year.

  • Nursery

    Children five and under are invited to stay in childcare. Care is provided Sunday mornings from 7:55 am-11:45 am as well as during special services such as the early Christmas Eve service.

  • Junior Choir

    3rd-12th grade

    Rehearsals on Wednesday from 5:30 pm - 6:15pm. At certain times, the choir rehearses with the Parish Choir.

    We seek to musically engage older singers while preparing them to become active, contributing members of our Parish. The focus of the rehearsal is on developing young voices and musicianship skills through the preparation of sacred repertoire. The choir is affiliated with RSCM. 

  • Novice Choir

    K- 2nd Grade

    Rehearsals on Sundays from 9:00 am - 9:15am to prepare for seasonal singing such as Christmas Eve at 4pm.

    At various times throughout the year, the Novice Choir takes part in the 10:30 am service. The Novice Choir’s mission is to make joyful, beautiful music while teaching children that they hold a very special place in the worship at St. Matthew’s.