Legacy Giving
All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.
What is legacy stewardship, and why is it important?
Simply stated legacy stewardship provides an ongoing way to further God’s mission through St. Matthew’s. Legacy stewardship is non-annual fund giving that goes to support a variety of projects. These include special projects, capital improvements and other dedicated ministerial areas that may fall outside of the annual fund. The primary use of these funds will be for the property. It is a ministry that provides the means for this property to continue as a blessing to the current and future members of St. Matthew’s and the community of Hillsborough, all to the Glory of God. In order for this parish and its property to continue to flourish, substantial maintenance and improvement will be needed; legacy-giving funds provide the foundation for future generations to worship and celebrate God in this sacred space.
What it is not?
Legacy stewardship is not “legacy building” or a ministry to develop an “endowment” without purpose. This question is important because it dispels the notion that is common in the world of non-profits (specifically universities) that introduce capital campaign after campaign to build upon the billion dollars that they already have.
How does it work?
Legacy giving occurs when someone wants to leave cash or cash equivalent (stocks, bonds, annuities, life insurance) or treasures (real estate, china, paintings, etc.) to the Church. St. Matthew’s already has a tradition of legacy support, and the vehicles have been put into place by this parish (see “Policy Governing the St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church Endowment Funds, Acceptance of Gifts, and the Disposition of Bequests”) and the Diocese of North Carolina to assist interested parties with the mechanics of giving. Examples of legacy giving include the 3rd Century Fund, Memorial gifts (benches), Stained glass repair. These examples are but a few of the ways to support the ministry of this Parish and continue to rejoice in the abundance of its ministry well into the future.
Legacy giving at St. Matthew’s has existed since the late nineteenth century and we are all the beneficiaries of these thoughtful gifts of land, money and treasure. Much of the artwork and furnishings at St. Matthew’s are legacy gifts. As we enter our third century we are mindful of the continued needs of this sacred space and our desire to provide a place for future generations to worship and celebrate God’s abundant grace. This is our goal for legacy stewardship, to secure and strengthen our future ministries with thoughtful foresight and planning. St. Matthew’s has long benefited from the generosity of it members and the community as a whole. This commitment and vision has enabled the parish to be a constant witness to God’s grace and provide a constant ministry to its members, the Diocese of North Carolina and the World. The parish has also been able to minister and witness to the larger community. St. Matthew’s has long supported various arts programming within the parish and the community. This funding is allocated year to year and a long term gift or a capital gift to these programs would help us to continue this ministry for decades to come.
You are invited to read the materials in this section of the website and contact the church with any questions. We would welcome a conversation about legacy giving and ways for you to participate. This is an important time for St. Matthew’s and we have a unique opportunity to witness and feed the world through God’s abundant grace.
The Rector, in consultation with the appropriate committee, is ready to talk with you about any idea for legacy giving. These include, but are not limited to stocks, furnishings (rugs, silver, etc.), land, books, and so forth. All of these many gifts help to strengthen the work of St. Matthew’s as we move into our third decade.
In terms of how to give, The Diocese of North Carolina is able to work with us to receive stocks, bequests from estate plans, and to facilitate other bequests. The Diocese can work with you on tax planning and we have members who would be willing to work with you, and help guide you to making the best decisions as it relates to state and federal laws.