New Sabbath Group

Keeping Sabbath Together: A Hands-On Exploration with Good Food and Nourishing Community 

In his Creation, God not only created the world, but also a rhythm of work and rest that is exemplified in the weekly day of rest called the Sabbath. Jesus teaches that God created the Sabbath for God’s people, but in our modern culture busyness and distraction have replaced a sacred day of rest. Are you interested in exploring how to bring this ancient practice into your own life in our modern time? Megan and Jonathan Leiss will be hosting a small group exploring what it means to keep Sabbath in today’s busy world. (Not to bury the lead: we started practicing a weekly Sabbath last winter and have found it to be very transformative in our lives.)

We will host a small group with potluck dinner once a month to experience Sabbath together. This will take place at our farm in Hurdle Mills from 4-7 PM on the second Saturdays of the month from September through December: 9/9, 10/14, 11/11 and 12/9. We chose this time because we hope to make this group welcoming for those in any stage of life. Children of all ages are welcome. We will be using the Sabbath podcast and reading guide from Practicing the Way as a text ( The podcast and associated exercises will ask about 2-3 hours of your time per month.

Space is limited. Please contact Jonathan at to sign up or for more information. We ask that participants commit to attending all four dinners so that we can have continuity in our exploration and conversation.


Women’s Singing Circle: This Sunday, July 30


New Children’s Playset