Welcome to the Parish Master Blog. This is where all news, announcements, and recordings can be found

twism Robert Fruehwirth twism Robert Fruehwirth

Welcoming our New Interns!

Welcoming our new intern from the Diocese, Day Smith Prichartt and welcoming Katie Bracy back for an academic year internship from Duke Divinity School!

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Robert Fruehwirth Robert Fruehwirth

Sermon • Sept 10, 2023

The Rev. Lisa Frost Phillips reflect on Christian community as a place where holiness is held between us, even in everyday things, where tension and disagreement is ordinary and to be expected, and where we are invited into forgiveness and generosity.

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Robert Fruehwirth Robert Fruehwirth

Sermon, Sept 3, 2023

If any one wants to be a follower of Jesus….

The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth reflects on the call of Jesus.

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Robert Fruehwirth Robert Fruehwirth

Sermon Aug 27, 2023 | Who do we say Jesus is?

The Rev. Mawethu Ncaca preaches at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church on August 27, 2023. Jesus asks us, what are people saying about him in the world about us? Who do we say he is?

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Robert Fruehwirth Robert Fruehwirth

Acolyte Training Aug 27, 11:30am

Calling all returning and new acolytes for our annual Acolyte Training on Sunday, August 27 from 11:30 - 1 pm. Meet in the Education Building!

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Robert Fruehwirth Robert Fruehwirth


Come one come all for ice cream and fellowship to celebrate the end of summer and launching our kids into the new school year. This will follow the 10am service at the Parish House, inside and out…

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Robert Fruehwirth Robert Fruehwirth

Sermon Aug 20 | Jesus Learns, and So Can We

The Rev. Lisa Frost Phillips preaches, August 20, 2023 at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Hillsborough, NC. Exploring the Gospel of the Canaanite Woman, Lisa points out how her persistent faith forces Jesus to grow…

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