Sharing SoulWise 2023-24

In the summer of 2022, Robert, rector of St. Matthew’s offered a pilot program for Clergy and Lay Leaders across the Diocese called SoulWise. Responding to the state of many leaders following the main brunt of COVID, it invited people into intensive lives of prayer with scripture, written reflection, and meditation, supported by weekly group meetings.

Sponsored by the Diocese, and engaging two other therapists/spiritual directors as facilitators (Jehanne Gheith of St. Matthew’s and Jan Krause of Chapel of the Cross) the 2022-23 program gathered ordained and lay leaders from across the Diocese. All the participants committed to the weekly meeting and 6 hours of spiritual practice per week.

SoulWise, representing the bulk of Robert’s diocesan service obligation, continues in 2023-24, from late September to late March. The main difference this year is that the facilitator group is seeking to establish clusters of SoulWise practitioners, in Triangle based parishes to allow for more in person meetings. People are invited in by their rectors. The ask remains the same: an hour of spiritual practice 6 days a week plus the weekly meeting for group spiritual direction and formation in the practices. The St. Matthew’s group has one or two slots remaining. For more information, see this information sheet.


Pilgrimage to Edenton


Sermon Aug 27, 2023 | Who do we say Jesus is?