Pilgrimage to Edenton

Listening to Their Lives, Finding Our Own

Overnight, Saturday, September 16th to Sunday Sept 17.

Pilgrims from St. Matthew’s will visit Somerset Place and do a tour in Edenton focused on the life of Harriet Jacobs on Saturday, September 16. On Sunday, September 17, we will worship together at St Paul's Episcopal Church, enjoy our own exploration of Edenton, and regroup in remembrance of Lydia at the dedication of the State v. Mann historic marker.

A crucial part of our pilgrimage will be the preparatory work: learning about ourselves, learning about Lydia and Harriet Jacobs, and then reflecting and praying on what we learn. Materials will be distributed on Sunday, August 27 after church in the administrative building. Over the course of the three weeks following, pilgrims will have a structure for reading, writing, and praying, working at their own pace. Sunday, September 10, we will gather for a “bring your own lunch” discussion at 12:15 in the fellowship hall (location to be confirmed!) to reflect and share together, before traveling to Edenton the next weekend. 


Liturgically Speaking for September


Sharing SoulWise 2023-24