SUNDAY FORUM: What is EUCHARIST and where is it taking us?

Sunday Forums Sept 17 & 24, 9:15-10:00am

Fellowship Hall and St. Matthew’s Meeting Zoom Channel.

Every single Sunday we partake in the Eucharist, and Jesus told us to celebrate Eucharist.

But what is the Eucharist for? What is God doing through it? Where is Eucharist taking us?

This two-part Sunday Forum, led by our rector, The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth, explores the meaning of the Eucharist as heart, foundation, and pattern of life at St. Matthew’s. It is the key theological and spiritual offering for September.

These forums are the START of the newcomers class, comprising the theological teaching for that program.

While this is a live event in the fellowship hall, it is also designed to work through Zoom, and will be recorded for future viewing.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to bring friends!

Learn about your faith, about God’s way of making the Beloved Community.




Welcoming our New Interns!