Welcome to the Parish Master Blog. This is where all news, announcements, and recordings can be found
October Preparations for FEST
October FEST preparations have begun…..and we need your help.
Sermon Oct 1, 2023: A Less Conflicted Life?
The Rev. Lisa Frost-Phillips invites us to imagine a less conflicted life as we learn from Jesus and practice walking in his way through this world, our hearts and lives open to the suffering and beauty around us, and our belonging in dignity with each other.
Of what are we Stewards?
What are we stewards of at St. Matthew’s? And who are we stewards for? And what does this One seek in St. Matthew’s?
Contemplative Retreats at the Trees
Contemplative retreats just 15 minutes from St. Matthew’s, offered at The Trees, a ministry of St. Philips Episcopal Church.
SUNDAY FORUM Sept 24, 2023
In this Sunday forum The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth, goes back over the pattern and flow of the Eucharist, this time with two historical characters from our parish past: Duncan Cameron and Harriet, enslaved by the Smith family and great grand mother to Blessed Pauli Murray.
A Sermon for St. Matthew’s Day
A Saint and His Parish. The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth reflects on St. Matthew’s message for his parish today — Jesus was the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures precisely in the kind of welcome he offered to Matthew, dying because he made that welcome, and the kind of community it created.
Parish Picnic: Sunday September 24, Noon
St. Matthew’s Day Parish Picnic, Sunday Sept 24, Noon!
SUNDAY FORUM Sept 17, 2023
What is the Eucharist? Or, where is the Eucharist taking us? We eat of one bread to become one body, Christ's body in the world. The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth explores the meaning of the Eucharist, step by step in this Sunday Forum at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Hillsborough NC.
Sermon Sept 17 | The Work of Forgiving
The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth reflects on forgiveness with practical reflections on growing in our ability to forgive others.
SUNDAY FORUM: What is EUCHARIST and where is it taking us?
What is Eucharist? Where is it taking us? These two lead Sunday Forums explore the Eucharist as the heart and foundation of life at St. Matthew’s.
Welcoming our New Interns!
Welcoming our new intern from the Diocese, Day Smith Prichartt and welcoming Katie Bracy back for an academic year internship from Duke Divinity School!
PROGRAM YEAR STARTS SEPT 10 | A Letter from the Rector
The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth highlights the main initiatives for the fall of 2023 in our Strategic Plan, Engage to Grow.
Sermon • Sept 10, 2023
The Rev. Lisa Frost Phillips reflect on Christian community as a place where holiness is held between us, even in everyday things, where tension and disagreement is ordinary and to be expected, and where we are invited into forgiveness and generosity.