Parishioner Hunter Taylor in International Art Show

Parishioner Hunter Taylor has two pieces of art in an international art show. You can view the entire show here.

Hunter writes:

Hello friends,

 My paintings
Still Life with Red Vase and Old Oak and Smoke House were accepted into the 8th annual "Pure Color" Exhibition, the 2024 Pastel Society Of North Carolina's International Online Show.

There were 649 entries. 157 were chosen by Master Pastelist Albert Handell. The internationally accepted pieces were from Bavaria, UK, France, New Zealand, Quebec, Italy, Israel, Ontario, Calgary and Germany.

The exhibition is in the Published Shows section of PSNC is at the top and you pick push and View Show. The names are alphabetical and I am listed as A Taylor.



Check it out!

Still Life with Red Vase.

Amelia Taylor. 


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