7 things to know about our September 22nd Parish Celebration

Our Bicentennial Celebration is set for September 22, 2024. Complete information about all our celebrations can be found here, but here is what you absolutely need to know about the 22nd

  1. POTLUCK, POTLUCK: The Parish Life Committee is providing the main dish, desert and drinks, but we are inviting all attending to bring a side dish to share. Drop off in the Hayden Building.

  2. PRELUDE: The service begins with a fantastic music prelude at 10am. You’ll want to get seats early. Overflow seating will be in the Parish House and Education Building. The whole service will be on Worship Zoom.

  3. HONORING THOSE WHO WERE ENSLAVED: The service starts with a solemn honoring of the over 140 enslaved and free blacks baptized at St. Matthew’s in the first six decades of our parish life. This will a special moment in the arch of our parish history, which each name being said aloud with the tolling of the bell.

  4. BRILLIANT MUSIC: We will have a trumpeter and outside choristers joining our fabulous choir for this event — and we’ll be praying with David Arcus’ new musical setting for the Eucharist.

  5. CONFIRMATIONS: The Bishop will preach and confirm/receive 4 parishioners.

  6. NEW LAY CHARTER: Echoing the organization of St. Matthew’s by 31 lay people in 1824, you will all be invited to sign a new document organizing St. Matthew’s for another 200 years. (This will be available to sign for several weeks following.

  7. BICENTENNIAL BOOK: Books will be for sale for $10.50 (cash or credit card accepted), and pre-ordered books will be available for pick-up. Look for the table on the patio outside the Fellowship Hall (weather permitting).

Come one, come all, everyone is welcome!


Parishioner Hunter Taylor in International Art Show


BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 2024: Celebrating the Lay Organization of the Parish in 1824