Serving Our Community
We serve the local community through active engagement and financial support.
Our Social Ministries Committee leads the way, determining how best to distribute funds and support parishioner involvement.
Opportunities for Service
River Park School Partnership
River Park Elementary is a short walk from the rectory through St. Matthew's churchyard. Over the years, St. Matthews has lent their support for various initiatives including a backpack drive and holiday gifts for students and teachers.
Dickerson Chapel AME
In 2006, Dickson Chapel AME, our neighboring African- American congregation, and St. Matthew’s began an intentional partnership. Over the years, we have shared worshipped together and we hope, after covid, to begin again.
St. Matthew's Scholarship- Durham Tech
St. Matthew’s supports a student scholarship through Durham Tech Community College. Growing out of a local Poverty Initiative, it has helped students complete nursing degrees, acquire childcare, and take classes to complete degrees.
Festival for the Society Tree (FEST)
FeST is our annual holiday fund-raiser held in early December, with all proceeds going to support local non profits. Baked goods, craft boxes, holiday wreaths and roping all are part of the fun.
Habitat for Humanity
St. Matthew’s has a long standing commitment to Habitat for Humanity and has recently participated in two “faith” builds with other churches in the Fairview Community. We plan to continue these faith partnerships to build affordable housing.
Iglesia El Buen Pastor
St. Matthew’s continues a long standing financial commitment to Iglesia El Buen Pastor, an Episcopal mission in East Durham. Funds are allocated annually in our budget.
Alamance/Orange Prison Ministry
St. Matthew’s participates in this ecumenical ministry to support the work of the chaplain in our local prison. We offer financial support. We also participate in an annual pecan sale fundraiser and have supported sock and toiletry drives.
Orange Congregations in Mission
Orange Congregations in Ministry works to meet the emergency needs of people through a food pantry, thrift shop, and financial assistance. St. Matthew’s provides regular financial support, hosts a monthly beef stew collection for the pantry, and every February, sponsors a “Fill the Bag” campaign.
Orange County Schools
St. Matthew’s supports the Orange County public schools through annual contributions to a general fund to support students in need. This has been used to purchase back packs, school supplies, and help students in crisis.
Orange County Meals on Wheels
St. Matthew’s supports Meals on Wheels,a local organization that delivers a hot, balanced meal every Monday-Friday to older adults, homebound adults, adults with disabilities, and those convalescing.
Justice United
St. Matthew’s is a member of Justice United, a group dedicated to developing and empowering leaders to work towards just communities. Member organizations work together to determine and then work towards local initiatives.
Compass Center
St. Matthew’s supports Compass Center, an organization that provides career and financial education, domestic violence crisis and prevention programs, assistance with legal resources, and youth health programs.
Soltys Place
St. Matthew’s supports Soltys Place, a group that provides a supportive communal daytime setting for adults with physical, cognitive, emotional, and social needs.
Family Success Alliance
St. Matthew’s makes annual financial contributions to support the work of Family Success Alliance, a government supported initiative to break the cycle of poverty in Orange County.
An important part of St. Matthew’s ongoing ministry in the community is to provide meeting space for programs that serve important needs. St. Matthew’s currently hosts the following programs on a weekly basis:
Alcoholics Anonymous
For over 40 years, a group has been meeting at St. Matthew’s regularly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings at 8:00 p.m. in the Hayden Building Fellowship Hall.
Other Meetings & Events
St. Matthew’s also hosts occasional meetings and events for diocesan and community groups including the following:
Justice United
Anathoth Community Garden
The Commission on Ministry & Standing Committee of the Diocese
Vestry retreats for neighboring parishes
Child Care training & certification events
Orange County School Board social events & meetings
The Hillsborough Garden Club
Historical Society programs
Historical tours of the church & grounds