Pilgrim’s Progress: chapter one

On the bus ready to go!

Happy are the people whose strength is in you! Whose hearts are set on the pilgrims way.  Those who go through the desolate valley will find it a place of springs, for the early rains have covered it with pools of water.  

Psalm 84:4-5

We’re just back from our Charleston pilgrimage and once again, I feel like we’ve been to the mountaintop, even as we dug deep into difficult history.   We were a joyous group, and everywhere we went- restaurants, lodging, tours and churches- we encountered the same.   Almost without fail, we were greeted with generous, open and welcoming hospitality.  This was especially true of the historical tours we took to McLeod Plantation, to “Mother” Emanuel AME church, and in our walking “hidden” history tour through “Frankly Charleston.”  And then finally in our worship at historic Calvary Episcopal church which was founded in 1847 as a church for enslaved and free persons of color.    

We steeped ourselves in the brutal history of enslavement in Charleston- North America’s largest transatlantic slave trade port of entry for nearly 150,000 kidnapped Africans, ⅓ of which died within a year.  We visited Emanuel AME church where nine sisters and brothers in Christ- kin to us- were murdered in a brutal act of racial violence.   It was all very hard.   And yet, every step of the way, we were held in a communion of love that was transforming and profound through the people we met.   In the desolate valley we found springs of water, such deep springs of water that will feed our thirsty souls for the rest of our days. 

This deep communion was encapsulated in our common worship with Calvary Episcopal, where we were lifted up, and invited to feast on the Body of Crhist- on this living, breathing joyful experience of the Spirit in our midst.   Such a joyful gift to receive  on the cusp of Transfiguration Sunday.    We went to the mountain top with Jesus!   The Holy Spirit was with us and we are so grateful….I know deep in my heart it will continue to hold our feet on the Pilgrim’s Way.   I return inspired by the depth of their resilience and joy and their witness to Christ’s love.

Stay tuned for more vignettes of our time through This Week at St. Matthew’s.

Heartfelt thanks to Kate Wisz+ and Elizabeth Hays for making this pilgrimage possible.

Thanks be to God for the goodness we have known in Christ! 



Mom’s Monthly Lunch at Weaver Street: March 12, Noon.


Taizé - Sunday, March 16, 4pm