Parents’ Night Out! Feb.14th, 4:30-7:30pm

Planning ahead for Valentine’s Day? Then sign-up your child for Parents' Night Out!

Click here to register!

When: February 14th, from 4:30pm-7:30pm

Where: Here at St. Matthew’s, Courtyard, playground, and Fellowship Hall 

What: Our schedule will consist of:

  • Outdoor playtime 

  • Valentine’s Day Craft

  • Dinner- Pizza, fruit, milk/water, and a sweet treat

  • A short movie or additional playtime in the nursery for younger children

Who: All ages welcome. Please let us know their age in the registration: HERE!

  • Adult parishioners and our youth group will be playing with and taking care of your kids for the evening!

Price: The cost is $30 for the first child and $10 per additional sibling.

This event is a fundraiser for our youth group. All proceeds will go towards our retreats and pilgrimage programs.


Hidden Gems of Hillsborough, Feb. 6, 5:30-7:30 pm


Faith & the Arts Feb. 13, 7:30 pm: Listening for the Hidden Voices