Joint Worship - July 14, 6pm at Hillsborough Presbyterian

The Rev. Tony Boss, pastor at Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church, told me that for him, having mostly white and mostly black churches come together for worship was important because it was practicing for heaven, where all racial divides will be overcome and we will worship as one.

As a result of our work on our parish history and deep entanglement from the beginning with slavery, I am enthusiastically behind this project, spearheaded by Piney Grove Missionary Baptist, Hillsborough Presbyterian, and St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church.

This July it’s at Hillsborough Presbyterian, 6pm on July 14.

St. Matthew’s Choir will be singing, I will be preaching. Come for great worship and great fellowship.

And save Sept 15, 6pm, on your calendar, when St. Matthew’s will be hosting!

The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth


Three Nights on Jane Austen


Junior Warden Rectory Project Update, June 2024