Lent 2025 and Family Ash Wednesday at 5:30pm
Ash Wednesday this is year is going to be a little different. As we have normally done, we will have our 7am and 12 noon Ash Wednesday services, 7am being simpler and 12 noon with a full offering from our parish choir.
However, in place of our 7pm service, we will be offering a 5:30pm Ash Wednesday service designed especially for families and children. This new Ash Wednesday service will be simpler, will Mary Rocap offering musical accompaniment, and will include reflections on the meaning of Lent and the meaning of the ash cross imposed on our foreheads.
Everyone is welcome at all the services and the Holy Eucharist will be offered at all three services
Our Lent Program 2025 is called Recovering and Sustaining Soul . Instead of offering something new to think about, or an agenda-heavy program, we are inviting everyone into the fundamentals of Lent this year as spelled out in our Book of Common Prayer: self-reflection and repentance, self-denial and fasting, and prayer and meditation on Holy Scripture. ) For a longer treatment of this theme, see the rector’s reflection here.) To support us individually and as group in our Lenten Practice we will be using a book called Sacred Spaces Lent 2025 produced by the Irish Jesuits. It offers an accesible framework for daily reading, praying, and reflecting on who Jesus is and our following of Him.
Copies of this books will be available for a suggested donation of $5 at the Parish House from March 2.
All proceeds will go to our Education Fund.
For the Sunday Forum on March 2, right before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent, we will reflect with you on Lent as our Dry Dock, give practical thoughts on how to enter into Lent, and engage an exercise in the book mentioned above, so that we all get the hang of it.
At the Sunday Forums on March 9, 16, and 30, we will enter as a group into the reflections offered in the book.
The Sunday forums on March 23 and April 6, while in Lent will feature two speakers, Lynn Hoke and Ellen Weig, reflecting on the role of woomen in the church, as part of our Bicentennial Program