Service in the World

  • Millennium Development Goals

    St. Matthew’s has a long standing commitment to support the Millennium Development Goals, set forth by the United Nations and adopted by the Episcopal Church. To this end, the vestry allocates a set amount of money every year to to to international outreach. Organizations we’ve supported include St. Michaels school in Ferville, Haiti, Two Mules for Haiti, Partners in Health, Church World Services and Episcopal Relief and Development.

  • Episcopal Relief and Development

    Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) is the international relief and development arm of the Episcopal church. Its work is guided by principles of compassion, dignity and generosity in the name of Christ. Every year we allocate a portion of our outreach funds to supporting ERD. We also sponsor needed efforts as they arise, in response to national or international disasters,

  • United Thank Offering

    UTO is a national ministry of the Episcopal Church, grounded in thanksgiving for the gifts we’ve been given. Through United Thank Offering appeals, we nurture the daily habit of practicing gratitude and offering our thankfulness to God.