Lent Mercy

Almsgiving has traditionally been a part of Lent, part of the fast, and often combined with it, giving the money saved from our fast to those in need. We are widening the notice of almsgiving into the notion of works of mercy, which could include almsgiving along with direct service and mission. The traditional works of mercy are below. All can be interpreted metaphorically as well as literally.

To feed the hungry, to give water to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to shelter the homeless, to visit the sick, to visit the imprisoned, to bury the dead

Ways of offering mercy through the parish this Lent:

  • Cooking Food for Heaven Practice March 30 (we’ll feed 150!), or helping to staff the event. Sign up here.

  • Durham Food distribution with El Buen Pastor Episcopal Church, 1st Saturdays

  • OCIM Monthly food collections, see the weekly bulletins for details

  • Meals on Wheels Gala (and learn how to volunteer)

  • Joining our parishioners at a celebration of the Eucharist at Croasdaile March 25, 11. Email Robert+ for details.

  • Joining our parishioners at a celebration of the Eucharist at Carol Woods on April 3, 11:15 am. Email Lisa+ for details.

  • Helping parishioners with needed yard work. Email Lisa+ to get on the list to help.