Intergenerational Worship
About Village Church
Faith Formation for the St. Matthew’s family is known as Village Church. This stems from the common saying that “it takes a village to raise a child.” We at St. Matthew’s believe in the power of intergenerational relationships and formation. We invite all members of our parish family – not just those with young children – to join us for worship for all ages.
October 3: Blessing of the Animals and the Feast Day of St. Francis
November 3: All Saints’ Day
December 15: St. Lucia Day
January 5: Epiphany Join us in the Fellowship Hall as we resume our program year by celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany, or “Three Kings Day,” when we commemorate the visit of the Magi to the Christ child and the revelation of God with us in Christ.
February 16 – Secret Pals: Join us at 9:15am in the Fellowship Hall for a beloved St. Matthew’s tradition: The Secret Pals Breakfast. In January, children in the congregation were matched with an adult “Secret Pal” who sends them treats and clues to their identity the week leading up to the breakfast. The Secret Pals will be revealed at breakfast! All are invited to come to the breakfast, whether a secret pal or not.
Village Church is held monthly at 9:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. On these Sundays, classes are combined (Godly Play, Growing in Christ, Youth, and Sunday Forum).