Holistic Stewardship
Holistic: relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems.
At St. Matthew’s, we believe we are formed through the ways we give and share all that we’ve been the beneficiaries of in our lives. This includes our individual gifts of time, talent and treasure, and the gifts of our community- our beautiful campus and grounds, our history, our deep fellowship and love. We practice what we call “holistic stewardship,” meaning the ways we steward all of our lives, not just our financial gifts, for the upbuilding of God’s kingdom. This could look like donating our time for an event, leading a small group, caring for our campus, tending to the body of Christ wherever there is need, in addition to the important financial contributions we make to keep the church running.
Stewardship: Caring for One Another
Eucharistic Visitors
A Eucharistic Visitor (EV) is a lay person authorized to take consecrated elements of Holy Communion to those who are shut-in, hospitalized, or unable to attend regular worship services. People visit in pairs and are sent out during the service.
The ministry of Eucharist Visitors helps embody and emphasize the reality of the Church as community. EVs represent the parish to those they visit and provide a way for the parishioner to have a direct connection to the faith community by participating in the nurturing, strengthening, healing, and renewing of communion.
Serve One Another
St. Matthew’s Serve One Another (SOA) ministry provides short-term, practical pastoral care to parishioners in the midst of illness, surgery, accidents, particularly difficult times in life, and other untoward circumstances. Examples of services are: providing meals, driving someone to an appointment, bringing in groceries, walking a dog, running an errand, visiting and listening, telephoning, writing cards, or delivering flowers.
SOA volunteers have found that even the smallest gestures of support can make a significant difference to those dealing with difficult moments in life. Interested in volunteering? Contact Helen Conrad at helenconrad3@icloud.com.
Shawl Ministry
The Shawl Ministry group meets on the first Saturday of each month to knit shawls, blankets, and scarves that are shared with parishioners and well beyond to the wider community as outward and visible signs of God’s love and care through the Body of Christ.
Care and Discernment Groups
These small groups offer opportunity for participants to share and listen to one another, nurturing a sense of God’s guiding and comforting presence. The groups are small-five to eight members- and gather weekly for as many times as there are members. Each time a different person shares a story from personal experience and receives the prayerful response of group members. These are led by by two experienced facilitators.
Stewardship: Caring for Our Property
Special Project Work Force
This email group of volunteers complete specific and time-limited property tasks as needs arise and as their time allows. To add your e-mail address to the list, speak with….
Caretaker of Buildings & Grounds
The routine care and maintenance of the buildings and grounds of St. Matthew’s, including the churchyard and the adjoining property associated with the Rectory, are under the supervision of the Caretaker.
Parish Workdays
We have seasonal workdays to enlist parishioners to assist with maintenance and improvement of the buildings and grounds.
Fine Arts & Furnishings Advisory Committee
This committee convenes as needed to advise the vestry about the suitability of gifts of fine art and furnishings, and under what conditions to accept those gifts.
Parish History and Archives
Contact Elaine Druesedow: (919) 732-9308 and learn more about the archives here.
Society of Junior Wardens
The Society of Jr. Wardens is made up of the current and former holders of the office of Jr. Warden. They meet quarterly to advise on long range planning associated with the buildings and grounds.
Stewardship: Caring for Our Finances
Online Giving
St. Matthew’s now offers the option for parishioners and friends of St. Matthew’s to practice financial stewardship online. Your contribution will ensure our continued practice of Holistic Stewardship as we work together to be Christian stewards of God’s creation and of the many gifts and blessings that God has given us. Financial gifts made online may, at the giver’s option, support the ongoing operations of the church (annual fund) or memorials.
Annual Giving
Our Annual Stewardship Campaign begins this year on October 2nd and concludes on October 31st. By the end of September, you will receive a pledge packet with a Pledge Form and detailed information about the campaign, finances, and programs here at St. Matthew’s. Your responses are vital to financial planning for the many church programs, staffing needs, and outreach that enable the gifts St. Matthew’s brings to us and to the community around us.
Legacy Giving
Legacy stewardship provides an ongoing way to further God’s mission through St. Matthew’s. Legacy stewardship is non-annual fund giving that goes to support a variety of projects. These include special projects, capital improvements and other dedicated ministerial areas that may fall outside of the annual fund. The primary use of these funds will be for the property. Legacy stewardship is not “legacy building” or a ministry to develop an “endowment” without purpose.
Stock Contribution
While pledges have traditionally been paid by check or cash, paying your pledge by transferring non-cash assets such as publicly traded stocks or bonds can be attractive because of the favorable income tax treatment they may bring. If you own securities that have appreciated in value over time, you may owe a substantial capital gains tax if you sell them. But, if you use such assets to fund your pledge to St. Matthews, you may completely avoid the capital gains tax while enjoying a federal income tax deduction for the full value of the securities. Giving securities helps conserve cash for other uses. You also may be able to make larger gifts than you thought possible.
The Finance Committee meets quarterly; reviewing the budget and advising the vestry about financial matters.
The Stewardship Committee is responsible for running the annual stewardship campaign. The committee meets periodically, most frequently during the fall campaign.