Junior Warden On the Rectory

Construction work continues at the Rectory. The upstairs windows have been replaced and most of the interior work has been completed. There is still some work to be done underneath the house, but the crawl space has been dried out and sealed. The foundation has been reinforced as needed with new footings and support placed under the bedroom floor. On the exterior, French drains have been installed around the house and a patio installed to aid in water flow away from the house. We expect to see the current projects moving toward completion by the end of September. At that point, we will reassess to determine if we can complete other parts of the project that have been deferred.

It is exciting to see the progress continue! A special thanks goes to Jeff and Kelly Hopper for their hands on management of this project. It is amazing to see how much the Hopper’s have given in volunteer time and talent to St. Matthew’s! Their footprint is all over our campus.

If you have a pledge outstanding from the capital campaign, please consider this a gentle reminder that fulfilling that pledge sooner rather than later will be extremely helpful in ensuring we have the money on hand for payments as soon as the work is complete.

Charlie McCamy, Junior Warden


Usher Training Postponed


Sermon Aug 13: So, how do YOU walk on water?