Women’s Lenten Retreat on April 5

Saturday, April 5 from 9 am to 3 pm in the Education Building

Women of St. Matthew’s are cordially invited to attend a day-long exploration of Holy Week’s passion narrative. Sponsored by the North Carolina chapter of the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross,  the day will be structed around 4 chapters of the book Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week by professor and biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine.

Grounded in rich and compelling scholarship, Levine paints a compelling picture of Jesus who, through commitment to a God of love, justice, and peace, risks compassionate action despite its dangers. From Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to his prayerful agony in Gethsemane, Levine brings forward aspects and details that open doors for beginners as well as seasoned readers of the Bible.

                  During our day together we will have four one-hour presentations and discussions led by N.C. Companion The Rev. Barbara Platt-Hendren.  We will provide a catered sandwich/salad lunch.

There is no charge for attending as it is part of the Companions’ outreach.

Suggested reading: Amy-Jill Levine 143-page book Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week (Available online Amazon for $9.59 or any other bookstore),

Bring an open and expectant mind, body and spirit.

Register online using this link:  April Holy Week Program Registration. Or you may contact Sarah Updike at (336-902-2350).



Easter Flower Donations


Parish Work Day: Spring Clean-up on March 22