The Gift of Pelham Jacobs: A Pastoral Letter from the Rector

Dear Friends,

This past spring Pelham Jacobs, our longtime sexton and groundskeeper, decided to retire. Since I arrived at St. Matthew’s five years ago, I have treasured having Pelham around for the mindful and sensitive way he takes care of things, for the way he attends to the growing life of trees and flowers and hedges, as well as maintenance items in the campus buildings. I’ve always felt that Pelham walks around with quiet wisdom and deep skill and knowledge. He knows this land, these trees, and us his parish. He knows Hillsborough. Last year we celebrated Pelham’s 20 years with us by planting a tree around the back of the Hayden Building, and Pelham has said he does not want more celebration. A response that is so typical of Pelham! A card to his home, or the parish office, would not be amiss.

With much arm-twisting, we have convinced Pelham to stay on in a very limited role, to assist in the oversight of those now tending the grounds, and to support the search for a new parish sexton.

God bless Pelham; may we preserve the gift of wisdom that he gave us.



Thank you, God, for Pelham’s caring and quiet ministry among us. Thank you for his humility and care among living things. Thank you for his gracious understanding of people and his honesty and earnestness. We ask you God to bless him and his wife Mary and their family, and their farm, for many years, in Jesus Christ. AMEN


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