THE EUCHARISTIC PARISH - Sunday Forum Oct 20, 9:15am

When you pledge to St. Matthew’s you are saying YES to God meeting us in Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, paradigmatically experienced in the Sunday service of the Holy Eucharst.

Come to the Sunday Forum this Sunday, led by our Rector, to explore how all of our parish life is ordered to a deeper celebration of the Holy Eucharist - and flows from this weekly celebration. We will reflect on our life itself as a Eucharist with each other and God.

Parishioners Katie Bracy Limkeman, Ran Hamner, and Regina Webster will share how their particular ministries have a Eucharistic origin and aim.

Place: Fellowship Hall at 9:15am and on ST. MATTHEW’S MEETING ZOOM.


Orange County Justice United Candidate Assembly October 20


Help Us Finish Painting the Fence on October 19!