Serving Our Community, Serving Our World

Among the many ways in which St. Matthew’s congregation lives out its mission, the parish provides funding for organizations or projects serving God’s people outside the congregation both locally and globally through disbursement of funds through the Social Ministries committee. Some funds are raised through FEST (our annual holiday bazaar) and others are approved by the vestry in the budget.

The social ministries committee is charged with disbursement of these funds. This committee is led by Eileen Camp. Annually they invite specific financial requests from individuals in the congregation for support of programs that reflecting the mission and values of St. Matthew’s giving priority, when possible, to programs in which parishioners are involved directly. The requests are given primary consideration as the committee determines how and where funds will be disbursed.

If you have a particular group or organization you’d like to see St. Matthew’s support, please submit your request to the attention of Ellen McRae (committee treasurer) by Monday, May 12, 2025. Requests may be emailed to or mailed/delivered to the church at P.O. Box 628, Hillsborough 27278.

Please include the following information:

1. Your Name/ email and phone number

2. Name of the organization or project you’d like to see St. Matthew’s support. Please include a contact name, mailing address, email, phone, and website address if applicable.

3. A description of funding needs, esp if there are particular projects you’d like us to support.

4. Amount requested:

**If your project or organization has been funded regularly in the past, it would be very helpful


Pilgrim’s Progress: chapter two


Faith & the Arts: Darkness to Light on March 8, 7:30pm