Rector’s Sabbatical - January 15-April 15

As announced first on December 3, Robert+ is going to take a sabbatical from January 15-April 15. During this time he will not be involved in active ministry. Our Associate Rector, the Rev. Lisa Frost-Phillips will assume the role of interim priest-in-charge, with her hours increasing to full time. Lisa will collaborate with Madeline Liddicoat, our Senior Warden, in leading and administrating the parish. While some of Robert’s tasks will be set aside, many responsibilities will be picked up by lay leaders in the parish and by our strong group of clergy associates.

As Robert shared in the Sunday announcement:

“This October I engaged Bishop Sam in discussion about my ministry at St. Matthew's. On one hand, it’s been a particularly challenging year with some traumatic experiences, following on Covid and then rebuilding the parish coming out of Covid. This has led to some inner tiredness. On the other hand, it’s been a super rewarding year, seeing the parish continue to come back to life, and putting more and more systems in place to support and nourish that life. It’s been particularly meaningufl to accompany you all as you accepted Lisa's and my invitation to grow in faith by widening our awareness of our history. That's been truly amazing, and I'm grateful for how God has moved through this place. The parish feels strong. There is a lot of vitality and interest in the air.

What Bishop Sam and I came to, discussing all this, was that after seven and a half years of full time ministry, I was due for a sabbatical. A sabbatical at 5-7 years is in every rector’s contract in the Diocese, and there is a push in the diocese to have all rectors step back after Covid for a time to study, pray,  refresh and get a new grounding for the next chapter in ministry. Given how healthy the parish is, and given that we are approaching our bicentennial celebrations, starting in earnest from April 2024, this seemed like an ideal time.

Robert’s specific plans for sabbatical include periodic weeks and days of retreat, and plenty of time for study, reflection, exercise and time with his family. He looks forward especially to deeper theological study and writing on spiritual formation.


Sermon, Advent 4


Annual Parish Meeting, Feb 4, 9am