Rector’s Letter, January 2023

Sisters and Brothers at St. Matthew’s, 

As the new year begins, I have two things on my mind: our parish bicentennial celebrations, and news about my sabbatical. 

Bicentennial Plans

In 2024, St. Matthew’s begins it’s bicentennial celebration! In true St. Matthew’s fashion, we will extend our celebration over two and a half years, as there are three major events in the parish’s life to commemorate.

In 1824 a group of lay people band together to organize St. Matthew’s as an Episcopalian parish. 

In 1825 the nascent Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina formally recognizes St. Matthew’s as a parish of the Diocese, while work begins on the church building. 

In 1826 the church building is finished and consecrated.

Each year we will hold large ‘signature celebrations’ to mark each of these events. For example, this year, on Sept 22, 2024 we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the signing of the lay charter for St. Matthews with the signing of a new lay charter for the parish. In addition, the Bicentennial Committee has planned a number of smaller events, lectures, forums, dances (!) and general celebrations. You can find details about these on the bicentennial page on our website. 

Over these next three years, we will also be exploring our parish history. We are going to divide our historical exploration over the next three years, focusing on 1750-1850 in the coming year, then 1850-1950 in 2025, and 1950-2023 in 2026.

Come to the Sunday Forums on January 14 and 21 to learn more about the Bicentennial Celebrations and, on the latter date, about our colonial history. 

Sabbatical News

My sabbatical begins on January 15 and continues through April 15. I am grateful for the Vestry and parish support for this time away, and grateful especially to Lisa+ for taking on a larger role for the parish in my absence. The Rev. Miriam Saxon, now retired in Hillsborough, and formerly of Saint Matthew’s, along with The Rev. Dr. Bruce Lawrence, the The Rev. Dr. Susan Eastman, The Rev. Liz Dowling Sendor, and The Rev. Peregrine Kavros will all be assisting Lisa in different ways, providing formation opportunities, celebrating the Eucharist, and assisting with pastoral care.. We are fortunate to have such a richness of clergy support. Lisa+ and Madeline Liddicoat, as Senior Warden, will lead the parish in my absence, particularly through the Annual Meeting and election of a new vestry cohort on February 4. 

St. Matthew’s has always been a parish of strong lay leadership and involvement. I remember arriving here in 2019 to discover that you had, while between rectors, largely completed a building project. This is extraordinary! I look forward to seeing how lay ministry has expanded in my absence. 




Faith and Arts: Amal and the Night Visitors Jan 12, 8pm and 13, 6:30pm.


Sermon - Christmas 1