Pilgrimage to Charleston, South Carolina February 20-23, 2025

Individual internal and spiritual journeys to sacred places are known as pilgrimages. Folks who embark on pilgrimages are known as pilgrims, and they often travel alongside other pilgrims. St Matthew’s Racial Justice and Reconciliation Committee is offering a very special pilgrimage to Charleston, S.C. Pilgrims to Charleston will individually begin a spiritual and contextual curriculum the second week of January and meet twice as a group before departing on February 20-23rd. Our itinerary includes The Old Slave Mart, McLeod’s Plantation, and the new International African American Museum. Space is limited so sign up early by contacting Elizabeth Hays or Kate Wisz.


St. Matthew’s Celebrates the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. - Jan 19


Monthly Collective Labyrinth Walk - Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 6pm