December 17th: IT’S ALL ABOUT PRAYER…

What is Prayed Christianity?

This coming Sunday, Advent 3, is all about prayer.

THE SERMON Robert+ is going to preach the third sermon in his Advent cycle, and this Sunday it is about prayerful awaiting Christ- praying, as Paul says, without ceasing. What is Prayed Christianity?

THE SUNDAY FORUM In the Sunday Forum we are going to explore the life of prayer more deeply and more practically. What are the healthy ingredients to a life of prayer? Where do we find God?

ADVENT LESSONS AND CAROLS At 4pm the parish will gather for a special offering of Advent Lessons and Carols — this time with parishioners speaking in the character of biblical foremothers and fathers: Eve — Abrhamam — Malachi

Giotto. The Annunciation


Lessons & Carols - December 17, 4pm


Sermon - 2 Advent - Repentance