Blue Christmas Service December 11 at Noon

For many of us, Advent and Christmas are a mixture of the light of holiday joy and the pain of loss, sadness, loneliness, or anger, as we grieve for the passing of loved ones or for other losses suffered during the year. That’s why St. Matthew’s offers a Blue Christmas prayer service in December. This quiet, sacred time provides a space for anyone who desires, to offer our laments to God and also receive assurance that we are not alone in our sorrow. As it is said in John’s gospel, “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” The service helps us to embrace the light and promise of Christmas through experiencing the darkness in us that they dispel.

Please plan to join in a simple worship of music, readings, and assurance that God loves us and is present with us, however we may be feeling.


Grief in the Holidays Resource Booklet - a companion to Blue Christmas Service December 11, 2024 at noon


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