Justice United and Beloved Community

We had a taste of what it means to live in Beloved community at the Justice United meeting at St. Matthew’s on Tuesday evening. Over one hundred people came to hear updates from JU research teams as they develop concrete action proposals around issues of access to housing and healthcare. We also voted unanimously to participate in a nonpartisan statewide assembly with NC candidates for Governor, Attorney General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction. And we kicked off a fund raising campaign for an additional position to support the ongoing good work of JU.

St. Matthew’s showed up twenty seven members strong! I was SO proud to part of this place. And, we had over 15 bakers who made hundreds of cookies- a highlight treat of the evening. We even sent people home with them.

The whole event- from start to finish- was testimony to the power of community, collaboration, and hospitality and to what can happens when a group of dedicated people work together with joy and intention for change. I am grateful to each and every person who participated and especially to Jeff and Blythe Thompson for their coordination. Thanks be to God. Come join us at the next meeting in September!




Sunday June 9 Sermon Video