Angel of Praise

Tiffany Glass and Decorating Co., 1896

This window is unlike any other in the church.

It is made of Tiffany glass, a special process unlike true stained glass. Louis Tiffany developed the process by which other pieces of glass were introduced into a molten sheet of glass to achieve his desired effect. Thus the surface of the glass was not treated, rather the shades and combinations of color were in the glass itself.

The drapery effect so pronounced here, was produced by forcing the glass into folds and wrinkles while in a molten condition.

It is interesting to note that this particular example of Tiffany’s art is signed, as he seldom signed institutional or religious commissions.

David Spratte

Creative Director, HALO 22
For decades, David has worked with words and images and how they come together in design. That experience helps him guide people and projects to accomplish what they've set out to do. When not on the job for HALO 22, you might find him taking photos, playing with cars, or getting away from everything on a motorcycle.


Keep My Commandments (or Martha and Mary) Window


St. Matthew’s Window