Secret Pals Sign-up!
How to sign-up:
Please follow the link below and either sign yourself up as a Secret Pal, or your child/children as little pals! Sign up by January 22nd!
Secret Pals Sign-Up form
Children as young as 3 years old are encouraged to participate!
When: The Big Reveal Breakfast is on February 9th at 9:15am!
How does this work?
-A Secret Pal (old parishioner) is paired with a Little Pal (child or young teen).
-The Parishioner sends about 5 cards with clues leading up to the breakfast to their Little Pal.
-The last card will give the child a revealing clue, ex. "I will be wearing a big, red hat to breakfast!" to help them identify their pal.
-At the breakfast, the pals find one another, play games, and learn more about one another.