Palm Weaving

Just how “crafty” are you?

For several decades, parishioners of all ages have gathered on the Saturday before Palm Sunday and/or during the Palm Sunday forum to learn about and weave palm crosses, birds, braids, “buds”, “kukoos” and other designs.

Former parishioner, Bill Bamberger and others over the years have taught weaving traditions from their own past experiences and these have been carried forward through the years.

Instruction for people of ages will be provided during the weaving gatherings on Saturday, March 23 rd between 10am and noon and on Palm Sunday, March 24 th at 9:15am in the Fellowship Hall (Hayden building).


 If you are willing to help weave palm crosses/other weavings to be distributed at the Palm Sunday services and to those home-bound, please contact Ellen McRae (email or phone 919-630-0587).

Arrangements can be made for those who want to help and can do the weavings at home but cannot attend in person.

Two large weavings usually adorn the altar on Palm Sunday. Former parishioner Chris Graebner and currently Cindy Cook and Ellen McRae have woven those more complex designs. We need some people willing to learn these more complex weavings so that this tradition can continue in the coming years. Please let Ellen (or Cindy) know if you might be up for trying your hand at one of the large weavings. These are begun earlier in the week.

 If you have a weaving tradition of your own that you would be willing to share, please let Ellen know. New learning is always welcome!


Sermon Feb. 4, 2024


Rector’s Letter: Why do we celebrate our bicentennial?